The integration is the key to M&A success

The real challenge of an acquisition is the integration phase. Handling the corporate culture change while managing hundreds of data points, interdependencies, and a large number of people are issues that can make or break a merger.

Having the right digital solution means you have everything you need to manage these complexities, ensure business continuity and leverage the expected synergies.


Transparency and Accountability

Use the Post-Merger Integration App to streamline your integration and keep your teams aligned in a collaborative environment.


Clean Team

Don't lose time between signing and closing. Start preparing the integration right away using the built-in Clean Team App, and remain compliant if your transaction fails at the last minute.


Post-Closing Due Diligence

Integrating systems between two organizations can be challenging, especially when the information systems incongruent. For efficient data collection and analysis you need digital tools.


Day-One Readiness

Keep your Day-One Readiness Punch List on hand to make sure you consider every critical aspect the first day.


Integration Master Planner

You don't have to drown in notes, calendars, and emails to plan thoroughly. With a digital tool, you can plan, guide your team, and track the high number of integration initiatives and activities much more easily.


Change Management

Good change management measures the pulse of the human factor during integration and provides guidance and decision support to the management team. Digital tools support communication to help the organization cope with fear and anxiety in this unfamiliar situation, and to retain key people.


Synergy Management

Measurability and accountability are key factors to achieving planned synergies in your transaction. Use a digital system that tracks progress and gives you full transparency into implementation progress.

Related Apps

M&A Playbook

M&A Playbook

M&A Playbook is the ultimate online guidebook and project management tool for M&A Management. It's a comprehensive, always up-to-date online documentation of all important work steps, structured by chapters. PlaybookApp can be linked with Project management Apps, allowing you to connect with project risks, findings, issues, or evensynergies in context. You can also link it to a virtual data room (VDR), making information sharing and collaboration easier than ever before.

Day One Readiness

Day One Readiness

The Day One Readiness Checklist provides the transaction teams with instruments to meet legal and financial obligations, ensure a proper change of control and pave the road for business continuity. The essence of this App is a pre-build checklist with all Day One critical items, which could be easily adopted or enhanced. It comes with project management functionality to manage accountability and track implementation completion, compliance and risks.

Integration Playbook

Integration Playbook

Integration Playbook is the perfect App for M&A Integration because it combines Project Management concepts with the specification and requirements of Post Merger Integration. Integration Playbook provides smart tools for managing tasks, responsibilities, and status. Also, risks, issues, or synergies can be linked. 

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