
secure. smart. human.

We seamlessly connecting people and data across all M&A processes to deliver maximum value for your current and future transactions. 


About Us® is an innovative technology company located in Munich, Germany, and Zurich, Switzerland. We are at the forefront of transforming the landscape of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) into the digital age. With our state-of-the-art digital M&A platform, we are revolutionizing the way M&A works by prioritizing management of structured data and advanced team collaboration.


What makes different?

Our uniqueness lies in the digitalization of the M&A process. Traditional M&A processes can be time-consuming, inefficient, and prone to errors. At the heart of our platform is the ability to seamlessly connect people and data, allowing for real-time collaboration, secure data sharing, and streamlined workflows. We understand that successful M&A hinges on effective communication and the availability of accurate, up-to-date data. With , all relevant parties, including buyers, sellers, legal teams, financial advisors, and due diligence experts, can collaborate within a single digital ecosystem. This eliminates the need for endless email chains,  document transfers, and time-consuming manual processes. Our platform is built on cutting-edge technology, constantly evolving to stay ahead of the curve and address the evolving needs of the M&A landscape.
We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Each transaction is unique. Our platform offers a comprehensive suite of fully customizable web applications tailored to address the unique challenges of each M&A transaction, including pipeline management, carve-out/divestiture, due diligence and post-merger integration.
Through intuitive dashboards, advanced analytics, and artificial intelligence capabilities, our platform empowers users to make data-driven decisions, identify synergistic opportunities, and effectively mitigate risks. has already transformed the M&A processes of numerous forward-thinking organizations, helping them achieve greater efficiency, improved outcomes, and accelerated M&A processes.
- Carve-outs of a large sized Fortune 500 company: Link
- PMI Integration and Synergy-Management in medium sized business: Link
- Due Diligence and Portfolio-Management of a Serial Acquire: Link

Management brings together professionals and specialists who are passionate about what they do and do what they love. Our common goal is to digitalize mergers and acquisitions and deliver the benefits of automation to M&A professionals.

Michael Klawon


Petar Nikolov


Martin Roos


Advisory Board

The advisory board of smart is made up of experienced entrepreneurs, outstanding experts in M&A and digital business.

They advise us on the strategic directions of the company. 

Prof. Dr. Kai Lucks

Oliver Gajek

Klaus Hommer

Why we are doing this?

M&A is about people and data. We believe that digital technology will revolutionize the way mergers and acquisitions work today, ultimately making them more transparent, efficient and successful.
It's time to take M&A to the next level.
We are challenging the status quo of M&A by offering a fully web-based solution that is beautifully designed, easy to use and very user-friendly. On the backend, you have maximum flexibility to customize the application to your processes and needs. 
We are passionate about your values: being secure, smart and human.


Security became our DNI and is our first priority and value

  • 1.Our developers code with security in mind.
  • 2.We perceive security as an ongoing exercise, not a state.
  • 3.We feel it is our responsibility to protect any data we hold or process, whether it belongs to our customers, partners, or employees.
  • 4.We provide support for our customers' projects because we care.
  • 5.We use compliance, governance, and regulations as drivers to guide us to exceed our customers' security requirements.
  • 6.We believe that you can only trust security if you are the owner of the keys.


We constantly seek how the application of digital technology can make the M&A more efficient, easier to use and more successful.
  • 1.connecting the dots
  • 2.make slow things move faster,
  • with data, not documents,
  • 4.relieve your people from repetitive, manual work


Humans are the very backbone of everything we do. 

  • 1.We create software that is meant to be used by people. It has to be intuitive and user-friendly and make their work easier.
  • 2.We do not believe in a false hierarchy but in the power of the idea.
  • 3.As a team, we value teamwork, and we will stay late if someone is behind on an important deadline.
  • 4.As a result, our team fosters a culture of trust, friendship and mutual support.

Digitalize your M&A

Let us optimize the way you manage your M&A
